Saturday, September 11, 2010

dreams do come true

It seems not so long ago when H2B and I would casually talk about the so-called "happy-ever-after" and after going through some wedding-related stuff, it feels like we're so close to having ours.

We created this email address, solely for wedding stuff correspondences. Then I was inspired to use this account and blog about our wedding-related experiences and so the birth of "the journey to the BIG DAY".  We also used this account to join the famous and helpful W@W egroup and since then, I never felt so excited about this wedding thingy. :)

From that egroup, I got information on the upcoming wedding expo, how to start prepping, things to prioritize and consider and so on and so forth. I knew even before that wedding planning is a complicated task but I didn't know that it can be stress-free because every step you take closer to the BIG DAY, gives you an unexplainable elation. After attending the wedding expo at Megatrade Hall yesterday, September 9, 2010, I feel pretty overwhelmed at the task at hand. Me and H2B not only needed to worry about the wedding costS but also, we needed to make sure that the wedding is going to be the kind that we dreamt of. H2B is in Canada and we're kind-of keeping the wedding preps a secret for now so I can assume that I'll do most of the preparations alone. Of course, H2B will always be a video-call away and will always be there to discuss stuff and make decisions but I bet I'm still going to be dead-tired with all the preparations that I need to do all by myself. Not too mention that I have a lot of specifics that I want to incorporate in our wedding and I'm thinking that these would entail me to do-it-myself. I feel like drowning with the the prep-work that I needed to do but thinking about the whole picture and how beautiful our wedding could be, makes me want to jump right into all the chaos of our wedding planning. I'm still on high! I love you H2B :)

love lots,

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